Bad college application essays
Monday, August 24, 2020
The mystical body of Christ in Catherine de Hueck Doherty's Vision for Thesis Proposal
The enchanted assortment of Christ in Catherine de Hueck Doherty's Vision for Lay Apostolate - Thesis Proposal Example Third, Doherty had been a productive author and her works keep on affecting numerous individuals, lay and strict. The lay apostolates she established, the Madonna House and the Friendship House, keep on distributing her compositions, articulate her perspectives, revere her life, and spread her works. At last or fourth, various non-well known and renowned lay workersâ€like Dorothy Dayâ€have communicated that they have been roused by Doherty. Through the distinguishing proof of the key points of view upheld by Doherty, it is conceivable to investigate focal philosophical subjects or topic through which the lay apostolates of the pre-Vatican II Catholic Action period were assembled and how the people executed the ecclesiastical encyclicals of pre-Vatican II. Doherty has been known as a displaced person from the Russian Revolution who had simply the garments she was wearing and the profound strict confidence she grasped since adolescence. She had lived as a Russian Baroness and as a homeless person. She stayed away from death during her departure from the Bolsheviks and strolled in the shoes of both the rich and the poor.1 During the 1920s, her first years in the United States and Canada, she made her living in brief employments. While working at a retail chain, she was caught discussing her encounters as an individual from the Russian respectability, and was offered a chance to travel and convey addresses regarding the matter. Afterward, in the wake of having lived in destitution for a long time, she earned back the riches she held in Russia. In any case, following her effective years in the Chautauqua circuit,2 she in the long run surrendered material belongings and invested in a straightforward life and lay apostolate. Motivated by Rerum novarum, 3Quadragesimo anno,4 and Pope Pius XI’s letters regarding the matter of Catholic Action,5 she built up Friendship House in the ghettos of Toronto with the objective of framing a non-isolated private home fo r the city’s poor. Starting her underlying apostolate, Doherty lived in network with the poor of Canada. In 1936, she set up two additional houses in Ottawa and Hamilton, Ontario. By 1938, ministers in New York City requested that her open a fourth in Harlem. In the end, Dohertyâ€through backing of the Catholic Interracial Council6â€was ready to open a Friendship House in Chicago, Illinois (1942).7 Three years in the wake of wedding writer Eddie Doherty,8 she moved to Combermere, Ontario, and together the Dohertys established in 1947 per second apostolateâ€the Madonna House. As per Julie Leininger Pycior, Doherty’s Friendship House â€Å"†¦championed experienced the Gospels through resistance to racial unfairness and solidarity with poor people; at the stature of its impact in the late 1930s and mid 1940s, Harlem Friendship House filled in as a spearheading focal point of Catholic lay activism for social justice.†9 In her initial a long time as a l ay organizer, she looked to cure social issues by contacting the most devastated people and giving instruction on Catholic Social Teaching. Her objective was to address both the profound and quick physical needs of those she served, and to urge others to perceive the poise of each individual made in the picture of God. During the late 1940s and into her Madonna House period, Doherty’s vision of the lay apostolate expanded extensively as she saw Catholic Action as multidimensional, reaching out a long ways past fights of social shameful acts: she saw the lay apostolate as the product of a close connection with Christ in the ceremonies, especially the
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Pride the Tragic Flaw Essay Example
Pride: the Tragic Flaw Paper Despite the fact that occasionally utilized in stories or tales as something to strive for, for example, being glad for ones work, pride is viewed as an incredible inverse in Beowulf. In Seamus Heaneys interpretation, pride is portrayed as a heartbreaking, regularly deadly, imperfection which will in the end lead to disaster or the troublesome destruction of the character reviled with this quality. A significant number of the fundamental characters show this tribulation, a few models being Hrothgar, whose pride prompts the passings of his kin, Beowulf, whose pride prompts his end, and even Wiglaf, whose pride anticipates catastrophe in his future. Despite the fact that pride may appear to be a helpful resource now and again, it will never remain so. In by far most of cases, the pride held by an individual will prompt disaster either for themselves, or another person. Hrothgars pride prompts numerous passings among his kin, as he is too pleased to even think about asking for help overcoming Grendel, rather trusting that the difficult will comprehend itself. As opposed to showing his shortcoming by requesting help, Hrothgar permits Grendel to kill his kin; he facilitated a great banquet, which he realizes will draw Grendel, consistently in the expectations that Grendel will have lost intrigue and will disregard them that year. We will compose a custom paper test on Pride: the Tragic Flaw explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom exposition test on Pride: the Tragic Flaw explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom paper test on Pride: the Tragic Flaw explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer Be that as it may, no relief is given; each day for twelve winters, periods of trouble/the ruler of the Shieldings endured, until his situation at long last gets known to the remainder of the Scandinavian nations, however his pride and refusal to request help has kept it from being known sooner. (l. 147-8) Even at that point, he doesn't demand help, however he accepts the guide of any who excursion to his territory. This pride drives Hrothgar to depend on bizarre practices: now and again at agnostic sanctuaries they promised/contributions to symbols, and swore vows/that the enemy of spirits may go to their guide. (l. 175-7) Hrothgar in the long run concedes his shortcoming and petitions help, yet just to Beowulf after his appearance, in this manner saving probably some little bit of his pride. He is just ready to do this since Beowulf is as close as one could get to being family, as he is the child of Hrothgars old buddy, along these lines taking into account a more prominent trust b etween the two. Moreover, his pride meddles with his rationale once more after Beowulf rises as the victor over Grendel and, later, Grendels Mother. Hrothgars pride drives him to offer Beowulf, notwithstanding the incredible measure of luxurious blessings he had just gotten, his realm as a compensation for sparing it from Grendel and his mom, in spite of the capability of that activity to begin a quarrel among Beowulf and Hrothgars two children, which Beowulf shrewdly decays. Through pride-driven activities, for example, these, Hrothgar appears, many occasions over, that pride will just prompt catastrophe and mixed up choices. Beowulfs most paramount trademark is additionally his ever-present pride. Beowulf is one who appreciates indicating anybody conceivable that he is so essential to them, or the amount more remarkable he is than any other person. Prior to a battle, he, typically, prepares himself, and people around him, with a long round of gloating and promises regarding how he will vanquish his foe. Before his battle with Grendel, he relinquishes weapons and protective layer, declaring that hand-to-hand/is the means by which it will be, an actual existence and-passing/battle with the savage. (l. 438-440) He does satisfy his prideful gloat, however his pride additionally prompts the demise of a warrior under his order, as he wants to fake rest and permit Grendel the main blow. As a young, Beowulfs pride drives him to flaunt his quality by entering a race with his companion Breca. In spite of the fact that it is a nearby match, with neither of them ready to outperform the other for a long while, Beowulf starts to start to lead the pack. In any case, because of a tempest, he is isolated from Breca, and is assaulted via ocean beasts in the disarray. While Beowulf is attempting to come back to land, he figures out how to slaughter nine ocean beasts, freeing the territory from peril for neighborhood sailors. He clearly gloats of this accomplishment to such a degree, that everybody in Scandinavia thinks about this race and his incredible capacity. At this youthful age, Beowulf has no idea of death; all he ponders is keeping up his pride and picking up distinction by demonstrating his about extraordinary solidarity to the world. As he heads out to battle Grendels Mother, who has assaulted Heorot after her children demise, his pride directs his activities once more, making him gloat again, revealing to Hrothgar I promise you: she won't escape/not to sanctums under ground nor upland forests/nor the sea floor. (l. 1392-3) once more, his gloating demonstrates valid, and his pride doesn't cause him hurt, however rather invigorates him the to beat extraordinary chances. He murders Grendels Mother, however not without a moderately more noteworthy battle than with Grendel, making him crush an old blade, and is remunerated for his accomplishment when he takes Grendels head back to Heorot. Despite the fact that he is luxuriously compensated with typical fortunes, his pride almost drives him to acknowledge Hrothgars pride-driven proposal of his realm as remuneration, yet a convenient intercession from Wealhtheow, Hrothgars spouse, persuades him to decay, keeping his pride from driving him to a heartbreaking fight with Hrothgars children. By and by, Beowulf is spared from the unfortunate destiny anticipating those with an excess of pride. Numerous years after the fact, as an incensed mythical beast assaults Beowulfs lands, he is pleased to such an extent that he does nothing until the monster assaults something of his by and by, and wounds his pride by consuming Beowulfs home lobby. This lights his pride by and by, compelling him to make a trip to the winged serpents den so as to endeavor to murder it. Beowulfs pride mists the shrewdness he has picked up while administering the Geats, appeared in that the sovereign of the rings was excessively glad/to agree with an enormous armed force/against the sky-plague. His pride directs that, as he has constantly done, Beowulf will battle the winged serpent alone so as to fulfill his pride and addition a more prominent notoriety. His pride has sufficiently dulled, in any case, to permit him to take a little gathering of warriors with him to confront the mythical serpent, however this isn't sufficient to end the shocking destiny of those reviled proudly. He teaches that the warriors hold up outside of the sanctuary while he, driven by his pride, fights it all alone, declaring to his men the brag that he would prefer not/utilize a weapon if [he] knew another way/to ponder the mythical beast. (l. 2518-20) once more, the scourge of his pride takes control and leads him into the den, where he endeavors to kill the monster that has harmed his pride. Just once he is harmed does his pride melt away long enough for him to look to the warriors he had carried with him for help, just to locate that everything except one had fled, as per the disaster foreshadowed by the scourge of pride. Be that as it may, the one residual warrior, proceeding with the pattern of pride, jumps to help his lord, permitting Beowulf to land the last blow despite getting a second, awful injury. As Beowulf lays biting the dust, his pride by and by flares, empowering him to order the youthful Wiglaf to rush to eat your eyes on the crowd. I need to analyze/that old gold, look my fill/on those gathered gems. (l. 2746-8) Even at that point, Beowulfs sad pride doesn't concede him fulfillment. The lamentable revile of his pride constrains him to want always, advising Wiglaf to build a dump cart/on a headland on the coast, after [his] fire has cooled, so as to be an update among [his] individuals, and to call it Beowulfs Barrow. (l. 2802-7) Throughout his life, Beow ulfs pride appeared to just assistance him, invigorating him the to do what others proved unable. In any case, at long last, it demonstrated itself to be an awful defect for Beowulf the same amount of as any other individual, driving him to settle on absurd choices and at last tailing him to his demise. Wiglaf, the youthful warrior who helped Beowulf in his last fight, gives indications of having the unfortunate imperfection too. At the point when he jumps to help Beowulf against the mythical beast, his pride has addressed him through his contemplations, saying that [he] would prefer [his] body were robed in the equivalent/consuming burst as [his] gold-providers body/than return home remaining battle ready. (l. 2651-3) His pride won't permit him to be blamed for being a defeatist who let his ruler pass on as opposed to helping him at whatever point conceivable, and accordingly, he is compelled to do all that he could to spare Beowulf. After the fight, Wiglafs pride at being the main warrior to help Beowulf, joined with the swelling of his pride in the wake of being named Beowulfs beneficiary and hearing his final words, drives him to settle on a few somewhat absurd choices. Loaded up with his freshly discovered pride, Wiglaf censures different warriors who have returned after the fight, calling them quitters and saying that Beowulf, by giving the warriors the best [weapons] he could discover, far or close/was discarding weapons pointlessly, and that Beowulf had little reason to boast/about his outfitted gatekeeper. (l. 2870-4) His pride likewise drives him, in his mistake, to rebuff the apprehensive warriors by proclaiming that all of you/with freeholds of land will be seized, finishing with the case that a warrior will sooner/kick the bucket than carry on with an existence of disgrace. (l. 2886-91) Later, Wiglafs pride directs that they respect Beowulf by consuming the entirety of the mythical beasts treasure alongside him, in the conviction that they have not earned the fortune because of their failure to ensure him. In any case, Wiglaf shows that he isn't yet completely defiled by pride when he mentions a few objective facts about the present circums tance that the Geats were in after Beowulfs demise. In the wake of reproaching the fighters, he arns them that presently war is approaching/over our country, soon it will be known/to Fran
Tuesday, July 21, 2020
Attribution and Social Psychology
Attribution and Social Psychology More in Theories Social Psychology Behavioral Psychology Cognitive Psychology Developmental Psychology Personality Psychology Biological Psychology Psychosocial Psychology In social psychology, attribution is the process of inferring the causes of events or behaviors. In real life, attribution is something we all do every day, usually without any awareness of the underlying processes and biases that lead to our inferences. For example, over the course of a typical day, you probably make numerous attributions about your own behavior as well as that of the people around you. When you get a poor grade on a quiz, you might blame the teacher for not adequately explaining the material, completely dismissing the fact that you didnt study. When a classmate gets a great grade on the same quiz, you might attribute his good performance to luck, neglecting the fact that he has excellent study habits. Why do we make internal attributions for some things while making external attributions for others? Part of this has to do with the type of attribution we are likely to use in a particular situation. Cognitive biases often play major roles as well. What impact do attributions for behavior really have on your life? The attributions you make each and every day has an important influence on your feelings as well as how you think and relate to other people. Types Interpersonal Attribution: When telling a story to a group of friends or acquaintances, you are likely to tell the story in a way that places you in the best possible light.Predictive Attribution: We also tend to attribute things in ways that allow us to make future predictions. If your car was vandalized, you might attribute the crime to the fact that you parked in a particular parking garage. As a result, you will avoid that parking garage in the future in order to avoid further vandalism.Explanatory Attribution: We use explanatory attributions to help us make sense of the world around us. Some people have an optimistic explanatory style, while others tend to be more pessimistic. People with an optimistic style attribute positive events to stable, internal and global causes and negative events to unstable, external and specific causes. Those with a pessimistic style attribute negative events to internal, stable and global causes and positive events to external, stable and specific causes. Theories Psychologists have also introduced a number of different theories to help further understand how the attribution process works. Heiders Common Sense Theory In his 1958 book The Psychology of Interpersonal Relations, Fritz Heider suggested that people observe others, analyze their behavior, and come up with their own common-sense explanations for such actions.?? Heider groups these explanations into either external attributions or internal attributions. External attributions are those that are blamed on situational forces, while internal attributions are blamed on individual characteristics and traits. Correspondent Inference Theory In 1965, Edward Jones and Keith Davis suggested that people make inferences about others in cases where actions are intentional rather than accidental.?? When people see others acting in certain ways, they look for a correspondence between the persons motives and his or her behaviors. The inferences people then make are based on the degree of choice, the expectedness of the behavior, and the effects of that behavior. Biases and Errors Self-Serving Bias Think about the last time you received a good grade on a psychology exam. Chances are that you attributed your success to internal factors. I did well because I am smart or I did well because I studied and was well-prepared are two common explanations you might use to justify your test performance. What happens when you receive a poor grade, though? Social psychologists have found that in this situation, you are more likely to attribute your failure to external forces. I failed because the teacher included trick questions or The classroom was so hot that I couldnt concentrate are examples of excuses a student might come up with to explain their poor performance. Notice that both of these explanations lay the blame on outside forces rather than accepting personal responsibility. Psychologists refer to this phenomenon as the self-serving bias. So why are we more likely to attribute our success to our personal characteristics and blame outside variables for our failures? Researchers believe that blaming external factors for failures and disappointments helps protect self-esteem.?? The Fundamental Attribution Error When it comes to other people, we tend to attribute causes to internal factors such as personality characteristics and ignore or minimize external variables. This phenomenon tends to be very widespread, particularly among individualistic cultures. Psychologists refer to this tendency as the fundamental attribution error; even though situational variables are very likely present, we automatically attribute the cause to internal characteristics. The fundamental attribution error explains why people often blame other people for things over which they usually have no control. The term blaming the victim is often used by social psychologists to describe a phenomenon in which people blame innocent victims of crimes for their misfortune. In such cases, people may accuse the victim of failing to protect themselves from the event by behaving in a certain manner or not taking specific precautionary steps to avoid or prevent the event. Examples of this include accusing rape victims, domestic violence survivors and kidnap victims of behaving in a manner that somehow provoked their attackers. Researchers suggest that hindsight bias causes people to mistakenly believe that victims should have been able to predict future events and therefore take steps to avoid them.?? The Actor-Observer Bias Interestingly, when it comes to explaining our own behavior, we tend to have the opposite bias of the fundamental attribution error. When something happens, we are more likely to blame external forces than our personal characteristics. In psychology, this tendency is known as the actor-observer bias. How can we explain this tendency? One possible reason is that we simply have more information about our own situation than we do about other peoples. When it comes to explaining your own actions, you have more information about yourself and the situational variables at play. When youre trying to explain another persons behavior, you are at a bit of a disadvantage; you only have the information that is readily observable. Not surprisingly, people are less likely to fall victim to the actor-observer discrepancy with people that they know very well. Because you know more about the personality and behavior of people youre close too, you are better able to take their point of view and more likely to be aware of possible situational causes for their behaviors.
Friday, May 22, 2020
My Initial Clinical Volunteering Experience - 886 Words
My initial clinical volunteering experience was when I volunteered in adolescent health education at People’s Community Clinic (PCC) in my hometown of Austin, Texas during the summer after my sophomore year of college. I worked a couple days a week with staff physicians and other undergraduate volunteers to craft effective ways to disperse health information. The clinic served a majority low-income population. During my time volunteering at the clinic, I witnessed the necessity of providing quality health information, not just in its raw form, but also in connection to the individual. I created health communications that efficiently informed adolescents and how health institutions can better effect positive change in their patients. Through the experience, I became interested in how people develop personal perceptions of health, and how information regarding health is dispersed through various platforms including pamphlets, visual demonstrations, and online resources. I took what I learned at PCC to Yale in my next clinical experience when I became a volunteer nutrition counselor for the Advancing Nutritional and Dietary Outcomes (ANDO) program at Haven Free Clinic in Fair Haven, CT during my junior and senior years. Every Saturday morning (5 hours/day), Yale pre-professional schools hosted the clinic for the underserved communities near campus including those from Central and South America as well as the emerging refugee population. I worked with medical students from YaleShow MoreRelatedMy Internship At Asante Ashland Community Hospital1298 Words  | 6 Pagesdecided to do my practicum at the ASANTE Ashland Community Hospital. My site supervisor is Dawn Dille, who is the volunteering coordinator there. I chose ASANTE Ashland Community Hospital as part of my practicum experience because I am interested in becoming a nurse one day. I like what ASANTE stands for and how community orientated they are. I also had previous volunteering experience there. 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Thursday, May 7, 2020
Relationships Between Women and Men in Brownings Poems...
Relationships Between Women and Men in Brownings Poems Robert Browning is described as ‘a love poet who was acutely aware of how women and men can be separated by jealousy or the passing of time’. In studying his poetry, what did you notice about the relationships he explores? What is revealed about the time in which Browning was writing? The ‘Love Poet’ Robert Browning was born in London in 1812. In 1846 Browning married the poet Elizabeth Barrett and eloped with her to Italy. After Elizabeth’s death he returned to England and continued to publish a great number of poems and plays. His best poetry was written, however, in the years that he spent in Italy with his wife. He died in 1889. Browning’s time period was a lot†¦show more content†¦Meeting at Night, which dramatizes the excitement and intensity of passion, the feeling of tense anticipation as the poet travels to meet his lover. However, Parting at Morning (the follow-on to Meeting at Night, except the woman/his lover speaks) recognizes the complexities which morning inevitably brings. The last poem I shall study is Two in the Campagna in which Browning shows the sad complications of many relationships, it shows the unawareness of ones love for another. Many of Browning’s poems are ‘dramatic monologues’. My Last Duchess was written in which a single character is speaking to an imaginary listener: ‘Strangers like you that pictured countenance’: Robert Browning never lets on whom his characters talk to. Indeed, the poem provides a classic example of a dramatic monologue: the speaker is clearly distinct from the poet; an audience is suggested but never appears in the poem; and the revelation of the Dukes character is the poems primary aim. Moreover, there are other poems written in which the character talks to him/herself, which is still accounted for as a ‘dramatic monologue’. An example of this is Porphyria’s Lover, as he explains the preservation of Porphyria†¦ ‘I wound three times her little throat around, and strangled her.’ Although he talks in past tense, it is still as if he explains the story as it comes. The effect of which My Last Duchess and Porphyria’s LoverShow MoreRelatedWilliam Browning And Elizabeth Barrett Browning Essay1197 Words  | 5 PagesBrowning, also expose the culture and the condition of the society of the Victorian era through their works. The authors are married couple authors of the Victorian era. Roberts Browning’s a typical literary work is My Last Duchess. Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s one of the most famous work is Aurora Leigh. In the two poems, the authors mainly focus on the different gender roles. 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Browning’s parents were very supportive to the type of education their children receivedRead MoreEssay about Aurora Leigh882 Words  | 4 Pagesthe story of a fictional woman poet. This story was Elizabeth Barret Brownings greatest achievement. This was the first major poem in English Literature in which the heroine, just like the author was a woman writer. This story had a lot to do with Aurora as a rising poet in a society that did not except woman as artists. Society set a restriction on women because of the role that was put upon them. Society basically sets the women into an imprisonment. Aurora Leigh tells the story of theRead MoreIdeas Revealed Within My Last Duchess 1539 Words  | 7 PagesIdeas Revealed within â€Å"My Last Duchess†In Robert Browning’s poem, â€Å"My Last Duchess,†the author writes of a Duke who seems to admit to murdering his last duchess. The poem starts with the Duke introducing the painting of his last duchess to an emissary. He goes on to claim that she was unfaithful and believes that she was flirting with the artist of her portrait. The Duke insists that he should be the only one that has her attention. Throughout the poem, the Duke’s ego is revealed and he implies thatRead MorePorphyria s Lover By Robert Browning And The Wind1830 Words  | 8 Pages In the poems, â€Å"Porphyria’s Lover†By Robert Browning and â€Å"The Wind†by William Morris, the poets, both share the events surrounding the murder of a young woman, however â€Å"The wind†is widely considered to be set 25 years later and reflection of the murder in â€Å"Porphyria’s Lover†. Both poems are told by an unreliable narrator, who forces the readers to quest ion exactly what occurred. In the poems, the reader can draw similarities and differences between how the unreliable narrator distorts our view
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Nutrition leads to Academic Success and better life Free Essays
All of us have an amazing gift, have you ever considered how incredible the human body is? Just look at what the brain is capable of doing and how it deals with our daily classroom requirements. Our brain needs several very important ingredients to make it more efficient with our academic success. Shockingly, fats are critical, our brains need good fats. We will write a custom essay sample on Nutrition leads to Academic Success and better life or any similar topic only for you Order Now We also need proteins, carbohydrates and water. These ingredients are really necessary for us to process information effectively. We will now look at the way our brains work. Within your brain, a biochemical process of learning is occurring, that parallels the classroom experience. Making connections, finding meaning, and solving problems are learning tasks that require lightning-fast electrical impulses between areas of the brain It’s 5:30pm. You just arrived for your class after a long day at work. You have prepared yourself for this learning experience of visual input, hands-on activities, reading and experimentation – to absorb as much as possible (Norman). You look around your class room, do you see bright eyes and positive, expectant expressions, or do you see squirming, sleeping, or distracted fellow students. Do you notice if your peers are stressed, depressed and anxious? According to experts, the internal environment of the brain is an integral part of learning, just as important as the classroom environment. You may find in some cases students are not able to learn due to poor nutrition or inadequate hydration (Norman). A balance diet is critical to health, and physicians are concerned about today’s increased marketing of junk food and fast food. A trend that so alarming that some have termed it the next â€Å"tobacco†(Jenkins). Within your brain, a biochemical process of learning is occurring, that parallels the classroom experience. Making connections, finding meaning, and solving problems are learning tasks that require lightning-fast electrical impulses between areas of the brain. Formation of memory requires physical growth and reshaping of networks of brain cells. So that wonderful experience – when the lights go on and you say, â€Å"I get it! †– is a neurochemical process as well as an academic one. By nourishing the brain with healthy food and water, you will optimize the internal environment, enabling you to truly engage in the classroom environment and achieve your potential by knowing what your brain needs (Norman). The nutrients that help our brains work well are found in high concentration in the Mediterranean diet (Jenkins). Place your two fists together, with your inner wrists touching. Your brain is about this size and shape. Most of us have seen the rubbery pink models which aren’t a good representation; the brain is amazingly soft, composed primarily of fat and water. It is grayish and pudding-like – composed of 100 billion brain cells – called neurons that drive our thinking, learning, feeling and states of being. Neurons need good fats, protein, complex carbohydrates, micronutrients – vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, and water. These nutrients are necessary to power the learning functions of neurons. It’s amazing how our neurons connect (Norman). Just imagine your neurons are shaped like an outstretched hand, with fingers spread. Dendrites (fingers) receive information from other neurons, which is then sent through the axon (arm) to another neuron. The connection between two cells is called a synapse, where the dendrite of one cell nearly touches the body or axon of another cell. Neurons can connect multiple times with the same cell; grow extensions to connect with distant cells, and connect with many different cells at once by growing more dendrites. The brain is dynamic, responsive, and efficient: new connections will be made to record and integrate new information learned. Old, unused connections will be pruned away. This process of building and pruning is not confined to the time of the classroom experience, but continually evolves with all learning that occurs in your life, integrating what is learned within and outside the classroom, integrating life’s experiences into the knowledge base and personality we have. The raw material for building and pruning of these connections comes from the food we eat. The big question is what should we feed our brains and body (Norman)? In past years fat was considered an unhealthy part of your diet, now we know that good fats are essential. Our solid matter of the brain is 60% fat, being that our brain consists largely of fatty membranes. Most brain fats are polyunsaturated, meaning their structure contains few or no double bonds which makes the molecules flexible. These fats help maintain flexible, dynamic membranes that are able to transmit and receive information, and maintain other cell functions such as energy production and stores water. Cholesterol is a saturated fat that is often linked Adkisson 4 ith heart disease, but the right cholesterol is an important part of a healthy brain. Sufficient quantities of cholesterol are manufactured in the body without dietary sources. Fat provides energy for the brain as well as a transformation using B-vitamins and other trace nutrients within the neuron to produce pure ATP. The best fats to consume are omega-3 oils from fish, nuts, seeds and dark leafy greens. The next ingredient provides the building blocks of our entire body (Norman). Protein provides amino acids that are used to form our neurotransmitters (NT) and support structures in neurons. Tryptophan from turkey and milk is used to produce serotonin, an NT creating feelings of well-being. Tyrosine, an amino acid found in almonds, an avocado, bananas and meat, is used to make dopamine, associated with enthusiasm (Norman). Our bodies produce about half of the twenty amino acids it needs the other ten are obtained from the foods we eat (Jenkins). Amino acids are also reassembled into powerful antioxidants that are used to protect DNA and other cell components from damage. Proteins also form receptors; structures embedded in membranes that aid in cell communication. All of us need energy and the best was to get it is through the following (Norman). Carbohydrates are the number one energy source for our brain. Sugar is the main fuel for the brain. Most of us have noticed a boost of energy when we eat something that provides sugar. Keep in mind that consuming excessive sugar for breakfast, causing bursts of energy followed by headaches, trouble concentrating, or drowsiness. When our sugar levels rise in our bloodstream, the pancreas releases insulin, which directs sugar into cells, to keep our blood sugar at a stable level. The more sugar we eat causes more insulin to be released, which leads to drowsiness. Many persons instinctively reach for more sugar to boost their energy, thus initiating this cycle again. People, who begin their day with a large donut and sugary juice drink, have a candy bar for a snack, followed by a soda afterwards. This becomes an addiction that’s very difficult to overcome the awful rollercoaster effect of the sugar-insulin response. The best way to overcome it is to make sure your meals contain complex carbohydrates – i. e. whole grains or products made with whole grain flour, rather than refined sugars. Nonetheless, the absorption rate of refined sugar is generally higher, causing a greater release of insulin. One must not forget the next very important ingredient that 60% of our bodies are made up of (Norman). I’m so amazed with the way our neurons store water in tiny balloon-like structures called vacuoles. Water is necessary for optimal brain health and function. Water maintains the tone of our membranes for normal neurotransmission. It improves our circulation and helps in removing wastes. It also keeps our brain from overheating; lack of water could cause serious damage. Dehydration can lead to fatigue, dizziness, poor concentration and reduced cognitive abilities. Even mild levels of dehydration can impact learning performance. It is interesting to note that hydration has been found to affect exercise tolerance. People who are dehydrated tend to feel tired during exercise and avoid activity, a risk factor for obesity. When you are hydrated well before exercise and drink water while exercising leads to an enjoyable experience with less fatigue. It’s encouragement to keep a water bottle at you desk to sip throughout your classes to achieve the recommended intake of water throughout the day. Nutrition and hydration make a difference that helps the foundation for healthy learning. Making healthier choices is an essential part of your education and well-being. Keep water bottle at your desk throughout your class periods. Eat healthy treats such as whole fruit, whole grain crackers, and veggies. Learn how to choose the healthiest foods from the menus at the mall or carry a lunch. Incorporate healthy nutrition at work and home. By making these small changes you’ll be more attentive, and able to enjoy learning and improve you and your families’ lives (Norman). We all have a gift from God, our bodies are temples. We need to take care of it by feeding it properly, exercising and keeping it healthy. Some of us do not do that, unfortunately. We live in an unhealthy nation. There are steps we can take to make changes that can improve our academic success and lives. Sixty percent of our brain is made up of good fats that we should ensure we get. Proteins support structures in neurons. Carbohydrates are the number one energy source for our brain and water is necessary for optimal brain health and function. A person should have enough respect for their bodies to feed it and make it healthy. How to cite Nutrition leads to Academic Success and better life, Essays
Monday, April 27, 2020
Strength by Elliot hulse free essay sample
Im about to say something radical and, some might say, heretical. Theres more to getting strong than lifting heavy weights. In fact, theres more to strength than the ability to lift heavy weights. I know. Ive made the study of strength, what I call becoming the strongest version of myself, my lifes work. In that study Ive come to Identify four primary areas or layers of strength. I call them layers because each one adds to the next and only through the full expression of each of the four layers can true strength be found. Consider:Can strength be found in a body riddled with muscular Imbalances? Can strength be found In a body that cant properly digest Its food? Can strength be found In a body constrained by psychological Issues? When strength Is possessed, what Is Its most appropriate expression? You see Im not satisfied with Just being strong. We will write a custom essay sample on Strength by Elliot hulse or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I want to be the strongest version of myself possible and to do that I need to be strong not Just hectically, but physiologically and energetically and then I need to share that strength by showing others how to do what Ive done.Then, and only then can consider myself the Strongest version of me. Im about to say something radical and, some might say, heretical. Theres more to getting strong than lifting heavy weights. In fact, theres more to strength than the ability to lift heavy weights. I know. My lifes work. In that study Ive come to identify four primary areas or layers of Can strength be found in a body riddled with muscular imbalances? Can strength be found in a body that cant properly digest its food? Can strength be found in a body unstrained by psychological issues?When strength is possessed, what is its most the strongest version of myself possible and to do that I need to be strong not just physically, but physiologically and energetically and then I need to share that consider myself the Strongest version of me. So, what are the Four Layers of Strength? Neuromuscular Strength Physiological Strength Energetic Strength Presentable Strength Strength by Elliot hulls ay Palinode strength by showing others how to do what Ive done. Strength by Elliot hulse free essay sample Theres more to getting strong than lifting heavy weights. In fact, theres more to strength than the ability to lift heavy weights. I know. Ive made the study of strength, what I call becoming the strongest version of myself, my lifes work. In that study Ive come to identify four primary areas or layers of strength. I call them layers because each one adds to the next and only through the full expression of each of the four layers can true strength be found. Consider: Can strength be found in a body riddled with muscular imbalances?Can strength be found in a body that cant properly digest its food? Can strength be found in a body constrained by psychological issues? When strength is possessed, what is its most appropriate expression? You see Im not satisfied with just being strong. I want to be the strongest version Of myself possible and to do that I need to be strong not just physically, but physiologically and energetically and then I need to share that strength by showing others how to do what Ive done. We will write a custom essay sample on Strength by Elliot hulse or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Then, and only then can I consider myself the Strongest version of me.Im about to say something radical and, some might say, heretical. Theres more to getting strong than lifting heavy weights. In fact, theres more to strength than the ability to lift heavy weights. I know. I eve made the study of strength, what I call becoming the strongest version of with just being strong. I want to be the strongest version of myself possible version of me. So, what are the Four Layers of Strength?
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